Sunday, April 21, 2013

Date Day

This weekend I spent some quality time with my honey. I was so happy to see him again. He went back to his home country of Trinidad for a few weeks so it felt like forever not seeing him. Plus we're kind of in a long distance relationship so we're always missing each other. I live in Los Angeles and he lives in San Diego which is about two hours away but, we make it work. So I drove down to San Diego this past weekend and we had a lovely date day. I would call it a date night but, clearly the sun is still out in the pics lol The weather was beautiful this weekend and I had  a wonderful time. Hope you ladies had a great weekend too :)

I bought the boo some chocolate covered fruit. He loves fruit.

Gone with the wind Fabulous! I don't think i'll ever get tired of saying that lol


My Geeky Glasses. 

Me and the boo.

These past few weekends  I've taken a fond liking to wine. 

My honey ordered steak.

I got the black and white sesame seed salmon.

Lobster mac and cheese. So yummy.

Yours Truly,
Gurl Chat xo