Hello ladies. I would like to introduce to you the beautiful and talented Perris McCracken. Perris is a professionally trained classical ballet dancer and has graced the stage with some of the most notable professional dancers in the industry. I was honored that she was able to take the time out of her busy schedule to do an interview with Gurl Chat. I love hearing and seeing women that are pursing there dreams and passions in life. That is why this Gurl is on fire!
The Interview
How old were you when you first started dancing?
I started with tap first when I was 7 and then at 12 years old I focused solely on classical ballet.
When did you realize that dancing wasn't just a hobby for you anymore it was a passion?
Actually I was passionate from the day I started, it was always fun to go to class and perform.
Was it hard for you to decide that dancing was what you wanted to do as a career choice in a down economy?
That is a great question because as for most artists, it is a
financial grind to pursue the dancing path. Fortunately I have a safety
net and a supportive family to help me along in this flimsy economy. And
I live at home rent free! :)
What inspires you?
Whenever I go out and experience work or performances from other artists
the inspiration comes instantaneously. I love seeing other artists in
What advice do you have for young girls and women who would like to start dancing?
For young girls who are interested in dance, make that desire a
priority and find a dance class to jump in. If you can't afford to pay
for classes there are tons of studio's that offer scholarships and even
hold dance free days. For women that feel "it's too late", let go of
that mentality and try different styles of dance. You never know how
skilled you can become after a few lessons. Surprise yourself, treat
yourself. Personally I love going out salsa dancing, it makes me so
What advice do you have for young girls and women who want to follow there passion?
Whatever passion you have in life do not ignore it, don't run from
it, and don't make excuses as to why you're not pursing it. I would say
devout as much time as you can towards living out your dreams. No one
wants to be in their 70s looking back on their life and wondering why
they didn't work a little harder to pursue their passion. Follow your
heart and go for it!
*If you know someone that is following there passion/dream or you yourself would like to be a "Gurl on Fire" please email me @ gurlchat1115@gmail.com. I would love to feature you on Gurl Chat.
Yours Truly,
Gurl Chat xoxo