Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. I wanted to share my giving back story. Here is a basket of food that I took down to the women's center in downtown LA for the holidays a couple of weeks ago. Every year around the holidays I always say how I want to give back but, I never get around to it or I allow my finances get in the way. Well this year I promised myself that no matter what, I was taking some food to a shelter. When I bought the food I didn't think it was enough but, it was all I could afford. So I purchased it anyway and hoped it would be enough and it was. When I took it's to the women's center the women were so grateful for those basic items that you see in the picture. It almost brought me to tears and made me so grateful for the little I do have. It also made me see how far a little help can go a long way. This is a shelter that is facing many of the state cut backs so right now they count on donations. A life that only focuses on you and your own personal struggles is no life at all. So I have decided to donate food to the shelter every month no matter how little or big the donation is. I encourage anyone reading this post to do the same for a cause that means something to you. It's doesn't matter how little or how big the donation is or even if you only do it a couple of times out of the year. I encourage you to pick a cause close to your heart and fight for it. Ladies we have the power to change anything we set our minds to so let start with a cause :)
Yours Truly,
Gurl Chat xoxo